
I'm Alejandro Muñoz Labrador

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Front-end Developer, Engineer, Entrepreneur

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About Me

During my BSc in civil Engineering , I wrote my first lines of code in Visual Basic and quickly discovered my passion to resolve problems though algorithms.
Front-end and Back-end Web development calls to all my passions; it incorporates creativity and problem solving.
When I finished my degree I decided to turn my passion into my career and started my path as a web developer, after more than 800 + hours of coding in Henry's bootcamp I've learned how to implement within real projects a wide range of technologies such as : React-Redux, JavaScript, Node Js, SQL, Sequelize , HTML, CSS among many others.
However this is just the beginning in this new path, I love coding everyday and eager to expand my knowledge learning new technology that involves Front and Back-end development. I would like to be part of a team where I can keep growing in the IT world.

About Me

During my BSc in civil Engineering , I wrote my first lines of code in Visual Basic and quickly discovered my passion to resolve problems though algorithms.
When I finished my degree I decided to turn my passion into my career and started my path as a web developer, after more than 800 + hours of coding in Henry's bootcamp I've learned how to implement within real projects a wide range of technologies such as : React-Redux, JavaScript, Node Js, SQL, Sequelize , HTML, CSS among many others.
However this is just the beginning in this new path , I love coding everyday and eager to expand my knowledge learning new technology that involves Front and Back-end development.




Simon Game

simon game preview

This project was useful to practice HTML,CSS and JQuery . Also used for the first time event handlers and practiced advanced manipulation of the DOM with Jquery.

React-Redux SPA Food

single application food page

This single page application was created with React-Redux in the Front-end and in the Back-end the data of the recipes was fetched from spooncular API and saved in a local DB using Postgres and Squelize.

Weather App

Weather App

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